ARINC 791 FlightGear™ Ka/Ku Universal Installation

Carlisle Interconnect Technologies, in a partnership with Saint Gobain Performance Plastics, now offers a complete ARINC 791 solution for Ka- and Ku-band SATCOM installations. The complete package contains everything required for either retrofit or forward fit installations on large jet aircraft. Installation fittings are adjustable to cover the complete range of aircraft frame spacing while providing discrete interface loads to the fuselage. The aerodynamic fairing follows the fuselage curvature without requiring a large installation doubler, sealants, or fasteners through the aircraft skin.

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Underwater Locator Device - ULD - Fokker Services

Events related to aircraft missing over oceanic areas have led to several new requirements, amongst which is the introduction of a long-range Underwater Locator Device (ULD).

The ULD low frequency (8.8kHz) technology is used to increase the range at which aircraft submerged wreckage can be located.

It will be mounted on the aircraft structure free of sound absorbent materials and not in wing sections or empennage. The installation is in accordance with ARINC specification 667, which describes the removal, installation and maintenance aspects of an ULD installation.

Note that the ULD is not to be confused with the Underwater Locator Beacons (ULB) as installed on the CVR and FDRs. The ULD is complementary to the ULB and is mounted to the aircraft structure.

ICAO states that by January 1st 2018 aircrafts flying long range over water with a MTOW>27.000 kg must be equipped with an ULD. Long range over water is determined by the exceedance of the distance from a suitable emergency landing spot. The distance corresponds to 120 min at cruise speed or 400NM whichever is the lesser.

EASA states that by January 1st 2019 Passenger aircraft flying long range over water with a MTOW>27.000 kg and cargo aircraft with MTOW > 45.500kg must be equipped with an ULD. Long range over water is determined by a distance >180 NM from shore.

CARS 121 MOS 11.64 states that aircraft with a MTOW>27.000 kg carrying a life raft should have an ULD by December 2, 2023.

Other authorities have accepted similar rules.

Contact Fokker Services for other aircaft types.

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SBAS / GNSS Aircraft Integration by Fokker Services

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) refers to a constellation of satellites providing signals from space that transmit positioning and timing data to GNSS receivers. The receivers then use this data to determine position, altitude, time, and velocity. This performance can be improved by regional satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS).

SBAS improves the accuracy and reliability of GPS information by correcting signal measurement errors and by providing information about the integrity of its signals.  SBAS is essential for applications where accuracy and integrity are critical. SBAS is a key enabler of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) usage for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV).

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Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast or ADS-B Out as it is known, is a new Air Traffic Control technique for aircraft in both Non-Radar and Radar Airspace. Guiding aircraft to their destination in a safer more efficient way.

ADS-B is a means by which aircraft, aerodrome vehicles and other objects can automatically transmit and receive data. Identifying themselves and their position via a data-link. This user friendly broadcast mode keeps communication lines open, informing people on the ground and in the air of real time developments. ADS-B out is the first step and will only send data from the aircraft. 

Non-reliant on external input the ADS-B Out is automatic, depending solely on existing on-board transmission services to provide surveillance information to other users.

To view the ADS-B Out Webpage, please check:

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LED Sealed Beam Replacement Lamps for Part 25 aircraft

LED Sealed Beam Replacement Lamps from Talon

Get Light-Years ahead of your competition!

Talon Aerospace sealed beam replacement lamps are designed to allow for plug and play replacement of the existing sealed beam lamps fitted on an aircraft. Talon has 3 sizes available, with replacements for the Par 64 landing, Par 46 taxi and Par 36 logo, runway turn-off, engine and wing scan applications. The existing sealed beam lamps have a design life span between 25 and 300 hours while the Talon LED replacements are designed for 20,000 in service hours.

Light output is comparable to OEM lamps and the Par 64 landing light and Par 46 taxi light are designed to meet Mil Spec standard MIL-L-6503H. The LED replacements work with the existing transformers on the aircraft and are designed to minimize the overall LRU count within an operator inventory. The LED replacement lamps are designed with cool white LEDs to maximize light output but the Par 36 logo is also made available in warm white. Par 36 LED replacement lamps operate on both 13V and 26V AC, while the Par 46 and 64 operate on 26 VAC. All lamps can also operate on 28VDC, allowing for rotorcraft applications.

Talon LED sealed beam are designed at comparable weight to existing sealed beam lamps of equal size, allowing them to be used in existing fixtures. The current draw for the LED lamp is significantly lower compared to the existing units. Landing light Q4559X draws 650W while Talon LED replacement TAE0728-1 draws only 104W.

The LED replacement lamps are fully repairable and operator can replace individual components like the LED board, power supply and lens in case of failures, reducing cost of ownership.


Talon and Proponent

Proponent is the exclusive global distributor of all Talon Aerospace products. This relation provides customers with the latest generation of LED lights.


Proponent is the new identity representing Kapco Global and Avio-Diepen as one united company, and the unique capabilities that the new organization brings to the aerospace market. With extensive experience in supporting the MRO, OEM and airline markets, our organization offers innovative inventory and supply chain management solutions to OEM and aftermarket customers.

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LED Logo Light to replace Halogen based logo lights

Talon Aerospace LED logo light Assemblies to replace Halogen  replacement.

Do you recognize the following problems with your existing logo lights?

  • Halogen bulbs are replaced frequently
  • Lights are installed in difficult to reach areas and requires use of cherrypicker or lift
  • Lens sealant does not have sufficient time to dry, leading to moisture ingress within horizontal stabilizer
  • Transformer requires frequent replacement
  • Incandescent bulb color temperature changes appearance of corporate logo

Get Light-Years ahead of your competition!

Talon Aerospace LED logo light assemblies are designed to allow for plug and play replacement for the existing HLX64621 halogen bulb based logo lights. Talon uses a rack to replace the OEM logo light housing. The LED module and transformer assembly are mounted to the rack. The OEM aircraft connector is mounted on the transformer assembly, making the LED logo light assembly plug and play.

The lens, lens gasket and hardware can be retained from the OEM unit, but Talon does make replacement lenses available for most applications. The Talon logo light assemblies operate on 115VAC 400Hz aircraft power. A transformer within the assembly steps the voltage down to 14V to power the LED module. All internal connectors are circular mil-spec connectors.

 Approved Model List:

  • Airbus A320
  • Airbus A330
  • Airbus A340
  • Boeing B737NG
  • Boeing 757
  • Boeing 777

 Planned for Approval:

  • Embraer Embraer E170, Embraer E175, Embraer E190, Embraer E195

Talon and Proponent

Proponent is the exclusive global distributor of all Talon Aerospace products.
This relation provides customers with the latest generation of LED lights.


Proponent is the new identity representing Kapco Global and Avio-Diepen as one united company, and the unique capabilities that the new organization brings to the aerospace market. With extensive experience in supporting the MRO, OEM and airline markets, our organization offers innovative inventory and supply chain management solutions to OEM and aftermarket customers.

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EFB Solution for iPad® (EASA and FAA Certified)

FAA:  ST03700NYEASA: 10046185FAA STC EFB 737 ST03939NY

Fokker Services has joined forces with Navtech, Jepessen and Dynamicsource AB, leading providers of flight operations solutions, and developed an EFB solution for iPad® installation that may revolutionize the way we navigate our skies. Technology moves quickly, and at Fokker Services it is our policy to stay ahead of the game. We design and launch more than 300 aircraft modifications every year, believing that even an already functioning product can be improved on. In recent years Apple has captured the hearts of the consumer with their innovative thinking, whilst Navtech represent quality and credibility within the aviation industry. Combined with the history and experience at Fokker, the development of such an innovative yet simple solution felt like a natural progression. Service providers today are under a lot of pressure to meet growing demands. Products must be efficient, safe, cost effective, user and environmentally friendly; Our EFB installation is ticking all the boxes and is available for most aircraft types, including Airbus, Boeing, ATR, Bombardier Challenger & CRJ Family, Embraer, Fokker and others. 

Over 1300 installations and upgrades have been ordered

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Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) 7.1

The Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) has been introduced in order to reduce the risk of mid-air collisions or near mid-air collisions between aircraft. When TCAS II version 7.1 is implemented the probability of mid-air collisions will be reduced significantly. *

The introduction of TCAS change 7.1 software is available for Fokker 50, Fokker 70 and Fokker 100 aircraft as well as for other types of aircraft like Airbus A318, A319, A320, A321, Boeing 737 series, 757, 767,  Bombardier Dash 8 and CRJ. (* source:

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Installation of Invicta Ignition Mitigation / Flammability Reduction in CWT

Press Release June 2021:  

On July of 2008, the FAA issued a rule making that makes it necessary for Aircraft manufacturers to provide procedures to reduce flammability for all airplanes with heated fuel tanks located all or partially within the Aircraft fuselage.

CFR Title 14, §26.33 requires installation of a CFR Title 14, §25.981 Amendment 25-125 (or later) compliant Flammability Reduction System (FRS), such as an ‘Inerting System’ or ‘Ignition Mitigation System’ on all Transport Category airplanes with Original Manufacturer Certificate of Airworthiness or Export Airworthiness Certificate issued on or after January 1, 1962.

This Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) is an FAA approved  method of compliance (MOC) to the requirements of 25.981 and 121.1117 in the flowing aircraft:  B737 - (300 - 900), B757 - (200), and B767 - (200-300).

It is an alternative to the Boeing Nitrogen Inerting System.

Jetaire is the original developer of a foam technology as a means of compliance to 14 CFR 25.981.  Jetaire’s INVICTA foam ignition mitigation method kits and components, affecting compliance with 14 CFR 25.981, are patented by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the unauthorized re-design, use, and/or reproduction of the same is forbidden. These products are exclusive to Jetaire Aerospace, LLC and its rights in the product are protected by law.  (U.S. Patent No. 9,849,998, 10,633,109 and 10,800,541).

Airplanes equipped with a Flammability Reduction Means (FRM) approved by the FAA as compliant with the Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction (FTFR) requirements of 14 CFR 25.981(b) or 26.33(c)(1) are exempt from the new Airworthiness Directives, as are airplanes equipped with an Ignition Mitigation Means (IMM) approved by the FAA as compliant with the FTFR requirements of 14 CFR 25.981(c) or 26.33(c)(2). INVICTA is compliant with Ignition Mitigation Means (IMM) and Flammability Reduction Means (FRM) regulations and is the more cost effective and available fuel mitigation system when compared to the Boeing solutions.  Jetaire certifies that INVICTA is compliant with the Airworthiness Directives and they hold the Supplemental Type Certificates as follows:  

A/C   -  FAA STC  -  AD

B737  -  ST03450NY  -  2020-18-13 

B757  -  ST04415AT  -  2016-07-07

B767  -  ST04405AT  -  2020-18-16 

B777 -  In Progress  -  2020-18-12 

**Jetaire Group is currently in the process of receiving STCs for the B777 and A330 model aircraft.

Jetaire Group specializes in STC-certified and FAA-approved advanced interface systems, and they recently gained their European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification and Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil (AFAC) certification for their INVICTA system for the B737 from the Mexican Aviation Airworthiness Authority.  They have also received certification from the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil (ANAC) for the B737 (300-800) series aircraft. 

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ADS-B Boeing B757 and B767

Airborne Maintenance & Engineering Services offers Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) modifications on Boeing 757, 767-200, and 767-300 aircraft.

The Airborne solution includes many cost-saving features while minimizing aircraft downtime and upgrade expense to comply with Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) requirements mandated by the FAA for 2025.

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