Installation of a LPV Converter

The LPV Converter was developed for all Cessna Citation Jets which are either equipped with the legacy Honeywell SPZ5000 System or with Proline21 without the capability to display glideslope information on the Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) (EHSI/PFD) and consequently where LPV approaches are not possible.

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Dual CMA9000 FMS installation on Airbus A300-600

PMV Engineering avionics team brings a huge project to success with the EASA STC for the Installation of a dual FMS CMA-9000 on A300-600 aircraft.

This STC is the result of a close cooperation with Esterline CMC Electronics and the operator over the last 10 months. PMV Engineering demonstrated its ability to drive this project, including full flight simulator sessions and flight testing with EASA




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AED installation

The use of automated external defibrillators (AED) is essential to increase the chances of survival in case of a cardiac arrythmias such as ventricular fibrillation (VF) and non-perfusing ventricular tachycardia (VT) when used in the first 10 minutes.

AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.220 (b) (4) stipulates that the aircraft operators should carry automated external defibrillator (AED) on board all aircraft equipped with a first-aid kit and required to carry at least one cabin crew.

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ARINC 791 FlightGear™ Ka/Ku Universal Installation

Carlisle Interconnect Technologies, in a partnership with Saint Gobain Performance Plastics, now offers a complete ARINC 791 solution for Ka- and Ku-band SATCOM installations. The complete package contains everything required for either retrofit or forward fit installations on large jet aircraft. Installation fittings are adjustable to cover the complete range of aircraft frame spacing while providing discrete interface loads to the fuselage. The aerodynamic fairing follows the fuselage curvature without requiring a large installation doubler, sealants, or fasteners through the aircraft skin.

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Garmin GTN750 Cockpit upgrade for Piaggio P180 Avanti

RUAG Aviation holds the EASA STC for the installation of the Garmin GTN 750 advanced touchscreen solution in Piaggio P180 Avanti cockpits. This gives RUAG Aviation’s customers a unique advantage, enabling them to significantly modernise their aircraft’s avionics.


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15 Passenger VIP Cabin Interior Conversion with Honeywell Ovation CMS

Installation of 15 Passenger VIP Cabin Interior with Honeywell Aspire 200 IG Satcom System and Honeywell Ovation Select Cabin Management System.

The existing 50-seat economy class cabin configuration will be replaced by a new VIP cabin incl. new lining and PSU in main cabin, 10 VIP seats, in-flight sidefacing divan, full-height stowage cabinet, TV cabinet and an enlarged lavatory in the aft cabin. A new IFE system will be installed.

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BAM 350 Eagle Eye, Maritime Surveillance Aircraft

Estonia is the first country to get the new MSS 7000 system, after operating the MSS 6000 for more than 10 years. The new MSS 7000 system for Estonia has installed on board a new Beech King Air 350ER aircraft.

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Underwater Locator Device - ULD - Fokker Services

Events related to aircraft missing over oceanic areas have led to several new requirements, amongst which is the introduction of a long-range Underwater Locator Device (ULD).

The ULD low frequency (8.8kHz) technology is used to increase the range at which aircraft submerged wreckage can be located.

It will be mounted on the aircraft structure free of sound absorbent materials and not in wing sections or empennage. The installation is in accordance with ARINC specification 667, which describes the removal, installation and maintenance aspects of an ULD installation.

Note that the ULD is not to be confused with the Underwater Locator Beacons (ULB) as installed on the CVR and FDRs. The ULD is complementary to the ULB and is mounted to the aircraft structure.

ICAO states that by January 1st 2018 aircrafts flying long range over water with a MTOW>27.000 kg must be equipped with an ULD. Long range over water is determined by the exceedance of the distance from a suitable emergency landing spot. The distance corresponds to 120 min at cruise speed or 400NM whichever is the lesser.

EASA states that by January 1st 2019 Passenger aircraft flying long range over water with a MTOW>27.000 kg and cargo aircraft with MTOW > 45.500kg must be equipped with an ULD. Long range over water is determined by a distance >180 NM from shore.

CARS 121 MOS 11.64 states that aircraft with a MTOW>27.000 kg carrying a life raft should have an ULD by December 2, 2023.

Other authorities have accepted similar rules.

Contact Fokker Services for other aircaft types.

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SBAS / GNSS Aircraft Integration by Fokker Services

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) refers to a constellation of satellites providing signals from space that transmit positioning and timing data to GNSS receivers. The receivers then use this data to determine position, altitude, time, and velocity. This performance can be improved by regional satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS).

SBAS improves the accuracy and reliability of GPS information by correcting signal measurement errors and by providing information about the integrity of its signals.  SBAS is essential for applications where accuracy and integrity are critical. SBAS is a key enabler of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) usage for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV).

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