The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Installation of right and left hand cockpit side windows in accordance with FAA sealed Beryl D’Shannon Aviation Specialties, Inc. Drawing List DLB-1301.
Modification to install a Honeywell KR 87 Control Panel/Receiver and the Honeywell KA 44B ADF Antenna System interfaced with the previously installed Garmin 1000 Avionics System.
Installation of Hoskins Model 700801Anti-Collision Light in accordance with FAA sealed Master Eligibility List No. SA2543WE. While the requirements of FAR 23.1401(a), (c), (d), (e) and (f) are met by this installation, the requirements of FAR 23.1401(b) are not met. Since the aircraft was type certificated under airworthiness regulations that contained no Anti-Collision Light Standards for intensity and field of coverage, this installation is accepted. Hoskins FAA approved AFM Supplement (see MEL SA2543WE) is required with this modification.
Conversion of the factory installed R-12 Air conditioning system to R134A refrigerant.
Installation of the Astronics LED Replacement Lighting Bulbs in accordance with Chippewa Aerospace Master Drawing List (MDL) No. P23-3340-01-0001, Rev. 1, Dated November 01, 2010, or later FAA approved revision.
Installation of Whelen Anti-Collision Strobe Light Systems, Part Number 01-0770006-( ), 01-0770028-( ), 01-0770029-( ), 01-0770062-( ), 01-0770900-( ), and 01-0771055-( ), as replacement for originally installed anti-collision lights.
Installation of Airwolf remote mounted engine oil filter kit AFC-K008 on single and multi engine fixed wing light aircraft incorporating Teledyne Continental reciprocating engines of 450 horsepower or less.
Fabrication and installation of the LSI Exterior LED Lightning Suite
Installation of a built-in oxygen system installed