The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Installation of replacement from seat cushions for cabin seat locations. This STC applies to aircraft seat part numbers 4611137-XX.
Installation of replacement from seat cushions for cabin seat locations.
Installation of a Patient Loading and Utility System (PLUS)
Emergency Medical System EASA.IM.A.S.02837 FAA STC ST02119LA
Activation of Aircell Axxess Cabin Telecommunications Router (CTR) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in accordance with Constant Aviation LLC, Master Drawing List DB1107001, Revision IR, dated December 9, 2011, or later FAA approved revision.
Installation of EMS Technologies Ltd. Cabin Network Xcelerator (CNX).