ONE ONLY STC, SN 441-0001: Installation of King KNS 660 Multi-Sensor Flight Management System
Installation of S-TEC 01298 or 01304 Digital Flight Control System (DFCS)
Installation of S-TEC Magic 2100 Digital Flight Control System (DFCS) Part No. 01298-01-01-03 or 01304-01-01-003 in accordance with S-TEC Master Drawing List No. 921220, Revision 8, dated March 02, 2005 or later FAA approved revision. S-TEC Pilot’s Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement (AFMS) No. 892126, Revision 1, dated October 2, 2003 or No. 892143, no revision, dated April 4, 2005 or later FAA approved revision is required for this modification.
Installation of Dual Meggitt Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS).
Installation of dual Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS)
Installation of Avidyne Primary Flight Display
Installation of S-TEC 01304 Digital Flight Control System (DFCS),
Installation of Collins No. 2332D-11T vertical gyro system.
Installation of Collins ADI-84A flight director indicator/ EHSI-74 electronic HSI.
Installation of Collins APS-65 autopilot system.