Mitchell automatic flight system AK216 consisting of Century III autopilot with optional automatic pitch trim, automatic aileron stabilizer and radio coupler.
Installation of Garmin G600 Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Multifunction Display (MFD) System
Bendix automatic flight control system type M4B and M4C.
Precise Flight Inc. Pulselite Control System
Installation of Electronics International Inc. Glass Panel Engine Monitor (with In-Flight Data) CGR-30C
Installation of Electronics International Inc. Glass Panel Engine Monitor (with In Flight Data) CGR-30P
Installation of a single configuration or a dual configuration Avidyne Corporation Integrated Flight Display, Model IFD540 loaded with Release 10.0 software (or later FAA approved release)
Consolidation of STC’s SA355CE and SA362CE into one STC having a Master Eligibility List and amendment of these STC’s to include and improved Power Supply Assembly and Subchassis Timer Assembly for the Twilighter MK III high intensity supplementary lighting system in accordance with the applicable FAA sealed drawing listed on the attached sealed Master Eligibility List Number SA2404WE.
Automatic pilot AK158, lateral guidance radio coupler AK123 and automatic trim system AK159.
Installation of Electronics International Inc. Glass Panel Engine Monitor (with In-Flight Data) MVP-50P.