Installation of detachable lead strap propeller deicers.
Installation of Electronics Int'l digital automatic engine analyzer.
Installation of on-board engine analyzer system.
Modification to install an air-oil separator to prevent oil from being aspirated from the engine breather line (47J series w stc's SH4-235SW, SH4-826SW or SH479SW)
Installation of Woodward electronic propeller synchraphaser system.
Installation of Electronics International model UBG-16 or UBG-16T bar graph engine analyzer.
Installation of Graphic Engine Monitors (GEM) Models GEM-610 and GEMINI 1200.
Installation of Woodward Type II electronic propeller synchronizer or synchrophaser system. (G-44A MODIFIED COLEMILL - STC 2-13) (500-A modified - Colemill STC SA340SO)
Mount collision avoidance lights in engine nacelle.
Installation of Airwolf remote mounted engine oil filter kit AFC-K008 on single and multi engine fixed wing light aircraft incorporating Teledyne Continental reciprocating engines of 450 horsepower or less.