Mitchell automatic flight system Model AK240 Century III autopilot with optional automatic pitch trim and radio coupler.
Installation of 40/50 single and two axis automatic flight guidance system, Model ST-505-40/50.
Installation of S-TEC System 65 two axis flight guidance system, Model ST-346.
Installation of an S-TEC system 60 two axis automatic flight guidance system, Model ST-344, with optional automatic electric trim.
Mitchell flight system YK535 consisting of yaw damper system.
Mitchell automatic flight system Model AK438 consisting of Century IV autopilot or AK438FD consisting od Century IV flight director autopilot with optional remote annuciator.
Installation of S-TEC System 55/55X Two Axis Automatic Flight Guidance System, Model ST-853,
Installation of S-TEC System 20/30 Single and Two Axis Automatic Flight Guidance Systems, Model ST-743-20/30.
Installation of Mitchell flight director remote annunciator Model AK375.
Installation of M-4B or M-4C auto- matic flight control systems.