The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Installation of Grimes Manufacturing Company three light strobe kit P/N 34-0107-1.
Installation of Mitchell glide slope coupler Model 1C493.
Mitchell automatic flight system Model AK240 Century III autopilot with optional automatic pitch trim and radio coupler.
Installation of 40/50 single and two axis automatic flight guidance system, Model ST-505-40/50.
Installation of S-TEC System 65 two axis flight guidance system, Model ST-346.
Installation of the KMD 250 Multi-Function Display System with Optional Internal VFR GPS and Optional Traffic and Weather Sensors.
Installation of Bendix/King KMD 550/850 Multi-Function Display System with Optional Traffic, Terrain and Weather Sensors. This STC also is approved for some single-engine aircraft. See SA01105WI-D (2 of 2).
Installation of S-TEC yaw damper system Model ST-345.
Installation of an S-TEC system 60 two axis automatic flight guidance system, Model ST-344, with optional automatic electric trim.