The FIELD AVIATION Auxiliary (Long Range) Fuel Tanks STC was designed specifically for retrofit installations into existing aircraft and to meet latest SFAR 88 requirements. This upgrade is available in both Metric and Imperial units.
Please click on "Front sheet" link for a copy of our brochure.
Av-DEC seals have been introduced as replacement for the original antenna gaskets. Fokker Services can issue a DOA approved Engineering Bulletin that will certify the installation of this gasket.
this EB is a minor under EASA privilige
De-Icer Boot Installation
Limitations: None..
Conditions: 1. Prior to installation of this modification the installer mustdetermine that the
,,interrelationship between this modification and anyother previously installed ,,modification will introduce no adverseeffect upon the airworthiness of the product.2. The i
Installation of Aerazur Type 51 leading edge de-icer boots.
Installation of an HF Antenna inside Vertical Stabilizer Leading Edge for AlliedSignal KHF-950 HF transceiver.
Installation of a C & X band fuselage nose radome shell.
Installation of two batteries - Structural Provisions Only TCCA STC C-LSA13-159/D
Removal/disabling and reinstallation/reenabling of deHavilland Ditching Dam CR803SO00002/SB 8-92-16 per Field Aviation Company, Inc. (FACi) Modification Instruction 140901 dtd 7/30/2002.
Structural provisions for the installation of a Latitude Iridium/GPS antenna, P/N S5GIR1516RR-A2P-XTT-1 and Latitude Iridium/GPS/WiFi antenna, P/N 5G151624RRL-A2P-XTTT-1
Installation of a modified support structure for auxiliary power unit (APU) to accommodate a right-hand ground air conditioning port.