Installation of Garmin AT Model GDL90 UAT Data Link System, in accordance with Garmin AT, Inc., GDL 90 UAT Master Data List, P/N 560-0278-01, Revision A, dated November 12, 2004, or later FAA approved revision.
Precise Flight Inc. Pulselite Control System
Installation of a single configuration or a dual configuration Avidyne Corporation Integrated Flight Display, Model IFD540 loaded with Release 10.0 software (or later FAA approved release)
Installation of the Mark II performance system, including recontoured wing leading edge, recontoured flap leading edge, wing vortex generator removal, installation of wing stall strips and other minor refinements in accordance with Avcon Master Drawing List No. 1083 dated November 16, 2010 or later FAA approved revision. An FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement is required.
Installation of a GTX 32 (mode C), GTX 33 (mode S), or GTX 33D (mode S with diversity) Remote Transponde
Installation of Sandel Avionics SN4500 Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI)
Installation of Insight Instrument Corporation (IIC) Heading Gyro 4000.
Installation of Model EP-110 starter/generator decoupler system on Models 23, 24, 25 airplanes using Bendix Model30B-37 starter generators.
Installation of Avidyne Corporation FlightMax 700-00007-( ) EX500 Multi-Function Display.
Installation of Centurion Consulting, Inc. GPS Steering Assist Module (SAM) with roll steering (p/n 0025-5100), or without roll steering (p/n 0025-5200).