Integration of CMU MK II+ PM-CPDLC FANS on Embraer EMB-135BJ (FAA,ANAC)

The aircraft will be provided with PM-CPDLC capability by replacing the currently installed Honeywell MK III Communications Management Unit (CMU) with the new Honeywell MK II+ CMU and installing a VHF Data Radio (VDR) which is VHF Data Link Mode 2 (VDL2) capable.

The FMS Software will be updated from NZ 6.1 (currently installed on the aircraft) to NZ 6.1.1, which contains the FANS message latency timer required for PBCS (Performance Based Communication and Surveillance) compliance.

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SBB Honeywell Aspire 200 on Embraer EMB-505 Phenom 300

The Aspire 200 IG (Intermediate Gain antenna) Inmarsat Swift Broadband Satcom is Honeywell’s most economical connectivity solution offering high speed data capability. Designed to be a compact, lightweight Satcom for turboprops up to mid-size business jets, the Aspire 200 IG provides a high level of performance making it a suitable choice for all size aircraft whose cabin voice and data connectivity needs can be met with a single-channel of Swift Broadband service.

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SBB Honeywell Aspire 200 on Beechcraft Hawker 800XP, 850XP, 900XP

The Aspire 200 IG (Intermediate Gain antenna) Inmarsat Swift Broadband Satcom is Honeywell’s most economical connectivity solution offering high speed data capability. Designed to be a compact, lightweight Satcom for turboprops up to mid-size business jets, the Aspire 200 IG provides a high level of performance making it a suitable choice for all size aircraft whose cabin voice and data connectivity needs can be met with a single-channel of Swift Broadband service.

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IGA-5001 antenna mechanical integration on Embraer 145 - 135BJ

328 Support Services GmbH approved data package based on EASA STC 10067361 for the mechanical integration of an IGA 5001 antenna.

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ADS-B Out for Gulfstream Galaxy G200

328 has partnered with Columbia Jet Service GmbH to offer an STC for ADS-B Out featured by Rockwell Collins on Gulfstream G150 & G200 aircraft, representing around 360 aircraft worldwide. Recently, 328 completed an EASA STC for Gulfstream G200 based on Rockwell Collins transponder and GPS system. The contract was awarded from ACC Columbia, the work was performed in Altenrhein, Switzerland at Altenrhein Aviation Ltd.

ADS-B is seen as being vital to maintaining future efficient airspace management in busy airspace. ADS-B uses satellite and transponder technology to provide the following benefits in an ADS-B environment: More aircraft can operate safely in the same airspace, so congestion is reduced. ADS-B technology enables more direct aircraft routing – this can generate significant time and fuel savings. in addition, ADS-B enhances flight safety and collision avoidance. 

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Honeywell DU-875 ELITE cockpit display upgrade

328 Design GmbH (328DO), part of the 328 Group has been awarded a contract from ALAMO Engineering GmbH to upgrade the EMBRAER 135 jet variants including the Legacy 600 and 650 aircraft family with the latest Honeywell DU-875 ELITE Cockpit Displays.

Work will be carried out under a form and fit and function replacement strategy.

To download the PDF brochure for more information, please click on "Front Sheet" above

Honeywell’s Primus Display DU-870 which uses cathode ray tube (CRT technology) will be replaced by the latest generation Honeywell DU-875 ELITE displays, which introduces state-of-the-art LCD technology for Embraer Legacy 600/650 operators.  

It is the most sophisticated and user friendly display available on the retrofit market today, featuring powerful graphics, advanced functionality and the improved clarity of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technology.

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Interior Modification and In-Flight Entertainment System upgrade

Major Cabin Modernization for Dassault Falcon 50EX.

328 Design GmbH has achieved the FAA Supplemental Type Certificate for Dassault Falcon 50EX Major Cabin Modernization.

The project was achieved in collaboration with USA-based Duncan Aviation at the company’s full service facility in Battle Creek, Michigan. 

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Cabin Modification from Airliner to VIP

The existing 50-seat economy class cabin configuration will be replaced by a new VIP cabin incl. new lining and PSU in main cabin, 10 VIP seats, in-flight sidefacing divan, full-height stowage cabinet, TV cabinet and an enlarged lavatory in the aft cabin. A new IFE system will be installed.

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IAI 1124A ‘Westwind II’ Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS II)

The IAI 1124A ‘Westwind II’ series aircraft is to be modified with the installation of an Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS II).  The system to be installed is a Honeywell CAS-67A Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II).

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Hawker Beechcraft Hawker 750, 800, 1000, 125 Rockwell Collins TCAS-4000

Installation of a Rockwell Collins TCAS-4000 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS-II)


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