Installation of a Garrett/ AiResearch GTCP36-100 APU in the tail compartment.
Installation of forward and aft bulkheads and doors.
Installation of a Honeywell GNS Sensor Unit and GPS Antenna to complete a dual Honeywell FMZ-2000 Flight Management System and GPS as primary means of navigation.
Installation of lavatory door and bulkhead at station 392.
Installation and Maintenance of Interior Modules (including Crew Cabinet Module, DA Cover Module, Aft Left Hand Closet Module and Aft Right Hand Baggage Front Module).
Installation of nose taxi light switching modification.
Installation of supplemental thrust reverser annunciator lights and an APU ON annunciator.
Installation of nose taxi lights and landing lights switching modification.
Installation of a door ajar warning system.
Installation of Precise Flight pulse/nose lights system.