Installation of the Honeywell KFD 840 Primary Flight Display System.REQUIRED DATA: AML No. 159-08325-0002, Revision -, dated 12-1-2009. Later FAA approved revisions to the above listed data are incorporated without further revision to this Supplemental Type Certificate.
Installation of S-TEC System 55/55X Two Axis Automatic Flight Guidance System, Model ST-898.
Installation of S-TEC System 40X/50X single and two axis automatic flight guidance systems, Model ST-786-40X/50X.
Installation of S-TEC System 20/30 Single and Two Axis Automatic Flight Guidance Systems, Model ST-865-20/30.
Installation of Mitchell automatic flight system Model AK401 consisting of Century IIB autopilot with optional radio coupler.
Installation of Mitchell automatic flight system Model YK428 consisting of yaw damper system
Installation of Mitchell automatic flight system model AK408 consisting of Century II auto-pilot with optional radio coupler.
Installation of Mitchell flight director remote annunciator Model AK375.
Installation of Mitchell Automatic Flight System Model AK366 consisting of Century I Autopilot with optional Omni Tracker
Installation of Clark three- light gear position indicator system.