Installation of an Universal Avionics System Corporation Flight Management System UNS-1L EASA.A.S.01385
Installation of a Rockwell Collins TCAS 4000 with Dual TDR-94D and Dual RTU-4210 System EASA.A.S.01384
Installation of 965-0976-003-226-226 Software with Runway Awareness Advisory System (RAAS) activation option on Honeywell MK V Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS)
Installation of Mark V ground proximity warning system.
Installation of -218-218 software with Runway Awareness Advisory System (RAAS) activation option on Honeywell MK V Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS).
Installation of nose taxi light switching modification.
Installation of dual Universal UNS-1D Flight Management System.
Installation of Honeywell FMZ-2000 Flight Management System with optional dual Honeywell OZ-800 Omega/VLF Sensors or optional Single Canadian Marconi CMA-764 Omega Navigation Sensor.
Installation of Honeywell MLZ-850 Microwave Landing System.
Installation of JET ADI-332B standby attitude indicator.