The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Installation of right and left hand cockpit side windows in accordance with FAA sealed Beryl D’ Shannon Aviation Specialties, Inc. Drawing List DLB-1301 or later FAA approved revision.
Installation of right and/or left hand cockpit side windows in accordance with FAA sealed Beryl D’Shannon Aviation Specialties, Inc. Drawing List DLB -1301.
Installation of Long Fiberglass tailcone to replace the short factory installed tailcone in accordance with FAA Sealed N.E. Coote Tool and Machine Drawing List Report No. 1 dated September 2, 1970.
Installation of Third Cabin Window on both sides of Fuselage in accordance with Glenn Floyd Stauffer Drawing Nos. 42601, Revision A dated 31 May 1962 and 42602, Revision A dated 13 June 1962.
Remove “V” tail and install a Beech Model F33A “straight tail” per Mike Smith Drawing List Number 35-1013, stamped “FAA Approved” with a date of October 24, 1985, or later. The aircraft are also identified as Models S35TC, V35ST, V35AST, and V35BST by Mike Smith Aero, Inc., with nameplate installed adjacent to the existing nameplate.
Fabrication of Model RMD-000035-B replacement wingtips with supplemental landing and recognition lights.
Installation of Beech P35 upper cabin and aft fuselage, P35 front and rear seats, M35 wing tips, V35 long windshield with glare shield
Installation of the Astronics LED Replacement Lighting Bulbs in accordance with Chippewa Aerospace Master Drawing List (MDL) No. P23-3340-01-0001, Rev. 1, Dated November 01, 2010, or later FAA approved revision.
Installation of a Dukes Model 4140-00-39 fuel boost pump under the cabin floor