Installation of Bendix/King KMD 550/850 Multi-Function Display System with Optional Traffic, Terrain and Weather Sensors. This STC also is approved for some single-engine aircraft. See SA01105WI-D (2 of 2).
Air-driven alternator and vertical stabilizer omni navigational antenna and electrical system deviations on aircraft modified per STC SA4-1100.
Extension of fuel tank to station29 (for JP-4 kerosene or gasoline) and provisions for a gravity flow fuel jettison system on aircraft modified per STC SA4-1100 only.
Installation of Sundstrand ground proximity warning system, glide slope monitoring system and Honeywell low range radio altimeter system. STC SA4-1100.
Installation of Precise Flight Pulselite Control Unit in landing/taxi system. (767-200 B17) (DHC-8 101)
Installation of a combination passenger/cargo interior to include all cargo, 44 passenger/cargo, 10 passenger/cargo, and 6 passenger/cargo configurations. (340 MODIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STC SA4-1100) (440 MILITARY C-131E MODIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ST C SA4-1100
Fuel tank extension for 2,080- gallon turbine engine fuel on aircraft modified per SA4-1100.
Installation of a 2100 US Gallon Retardant Tank system. Approval applies to basic aircraft of specified models modified with STC SA4-1100, installation of Allison turboprop engines; STC SA3574WE, installation of gross weight increase kit; and STC SA3294WE, installation of max zero fuel weight increase kit.
Installation of KNS 660 Flight Management system and KLN 670 Global positioning system with Honeywell Laseref II inertial reference system w/ STC SA4-1100 installed.
This modification splits the nose fairing assembly P/N 906425-201, Rev. M P/N 9064135-1, Rev. A, and P/N 1914-1, Rev. C. (440 MILITARY C-131E MODIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STC SA4-1100)