CONFIURATION 1Installation of a Honeywell TPA-100B TCAS II Processor with Change 7.1 and Goodrich Electronic Flight Bag System with In-Trail Procedures Activation in accordance with Honeywell Master Drawing List 756-0234-001, revision A, dated June 3, 2011 or later FAA approved revision.CONFIGURATION 2Installation of a Honeywell TPA-100B TCAS II Processor with Change 7.1 in accordance with Honeywell Master Drawing List 756-0234-001, revision A, dated June 3, 2011 or later FAA approved revision.
Installation of S-TEC System 55 Two Axis automatic flight guidance system, Model ST-575, with optional autotrim system.
Installation of King KAS 297 altitude selector option in airplanes equipped with KFC 200 Flight Control System with flight director installed under STC SA1276CE.
Installation of King KFC 200, 2-axis (3 optional) flight control system with a KI 255 (or -256) flight command indicator or KG-258 attitude horizon gyro and a KC-292 mode controller.
Installation of S-TEC system 60 two axis automatic flight guidance system, Model ST-429, with optional automatic electric trim system.
Installation of S-TEC System 65 two axis automatic flight guidance system, Model ST-405.
Modification of Collins VHF-22A/VHF-22B VHF COMM Receiver Transmitter with CTL-22 Control Pro Line II System Installation to a Collins VHF-22C/VHF-22D VHF COMM Receiver Transmitter with CTL-22C Control 8.33 kHz Pro Line II System installation.
Modification of Collins 618M-4 VHF COMM Receiver Transmitter Installation to a 618M-5 VHF COMM Receiver Transmitter installation with either a Gables G7406-02 or Avtech 7522-1-2 VHF COMM Receiver Transmitter Control Series using with Collins Installation Instructions as listed on AML No. ST00525WI-D, or later FAA approved revisions.
Mitchell automatic flight system YK526 consisting of yaw damper system.
Mitchell automatic flight system AK525 consisting of a Century IV autopilot or model AK525FD consisting of a Century IV flight director autopilot with optional remote annuciator.