The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Installation of fire extinguishing system in cabin and/or fire extinguishant system in engine compartments.
Manufacture of modified Lightning Wingtips.
Installation of Whelen Anti-Collision Strobe Light Systems, Part Number 01-0770006-( ), 01-0770028-( ), 01-0770029-( ), 01-0770062-( ), 01-0770900-( ), and 01-0771055-( ), as replacement for originally installed anti-collision lights.
Revise wing contours, leading edge and redesign landing light deflector plates.
Install FiQuench extinguishing system in cabin and/or fire extinguishant system in engine compartments.
Installation of Airwolf remote mounted engine oil filter kit AFC-K008 on single and multi engine fixed wing light aircraft incorporating Teledyne Continental reciprocating engines of 450 horsepower or less.
Installation of fuel flow/pressure instruments. (W/TSIO-360-MB1)