Installation of Mitchell automatic flight system Model AK201 consisting of Century II autopilot with optional automatic aileron stabilizer and radio coupler.
Installation of S-TEC System 60 two axis automatic flight guidance system, Model ST-540.
Installation of Mitchell automatic flight system Model AK198, consisting of Century III autopilot with optional automatic pitch trim, automatic aileron stabilizer and radio coupler.
Installation of S-TEC System 40/50, single and two axis automatic flight guidance systems, model ST-432.
Installation of Century automatic flight Model YK959 consisting of a Century yaw damper installation.
Installation of S-TEC System 65 two axis automatic flight guidance system, model ST-408.
Installation of King KAS 297 altitude selector option in airplanes equipped with KFC 200 Flight Control System with Flight Director..
Installation of S-TEC System 60 two axis automatic flight guidance system, model ST-329, with optional automatic electric trim.
Installation of S-TEC System 65 two axis automatic flight control system, model ST-327.
Installation of S-TEC System 40/50, Single and Two Axis Automatic Flight Guidance Systems, Model ST-325-40/50.