A, B, or C of turbocharged Continental IO-470-D engines.
Installation of detachable lead strap propeller deicers.
Installation of Continental IO-520-E or IO-550-E engines per Colemill Enterprises, Inc. Installation Instructions for modification of Cessna 310 and Drawing AC5400, as revised March 19, 1969, or later FAA approved revision of these documents.
Installation of turbocharged Lycoming IO-540-A1A5 engines in accordance with FAA sealed Rajay Drawing List No. RJ1000-100.
Installation of various propeller electrical de-icer models
Installation of Lycoming IO-540- A1A5 engines and Hartzell HCA3XK-2B/7636D propellers.
Installation of McCauley propeller governor (as shown in table on Page 2) in accordance with Colemill Enterprises installation instructions CM900-15 Rev. A dated July 5, 1991.
Full feathering, constant speed propellers, hubs 2AF36C26, blades90MF-10.
Installation of Electronics Int'l digital automatic engine analyzer.
Installation and manufacture of engine shock mounts for Teledyne0-470-M and IO-470-D engines.