Introduction of CabinVu 123 Door Surveillance System is intended to provide additional security for the Flight crew when entry to the cockpit is necessary through the flight deck door during flight.
System overview:
1. Three cameras monitor the area aft of and around the cockpit door and the surrounding corridors and galley areas.
2. The Flight crew can select and view any of the three images displayed by the appropriate camera in order to identify and confirm that the approaching personnel do not pose a potential threat before allowing them entry onto the flight deck.
3. A video monitor (or monitors) can be installed in a central or Left and Right position enabling both Flight crew to view the display equally, Control Panels are positioned near the monitors.
4. Infra-Red illuminators integral to the cameras provide adequate light to distinguish and determine the would-be entrant in darkened conditions.
5. All control and manual switching is done on the Control Panel only, other operational equipment is fitted at various locations throughout the aircraft, these will be described at a later stage of this Ops Manual
- Increased security for flight crew and passengers
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level
STC Date: 1/31/13
Responsible Office:
DHC-8-401, DHC-8-402
- Increased security for flight crew and passengers