Starlink system installation for high-speed connectivity on ATR 72

Through a strong partnership with ATR, PMV Engineering has developed a retrofit solution (EASA STC) for the installation of the Starlink aeroterminal on ATR 72.

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Expliseat Tiseat 2 installation on ATR42 / ATR72

Contracted to integrate the new Expliseat Tiseat 2 seats model aboard ATR aircraft, PMV Engineering developped and certified an EASA STC for Air Tahiti on ATR42 and ATR72, respectively in 48 and 70 pax configurations.

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Dual CMA9000 FMS installation on Airbus A300-600

PMV Engineering avionics team brings a huge project to success with the EASA STC for the Installation of a dual FMS CMA-9000 on A300-600 aircraft.

This STC is the result of a close cooperation with Esterline CMC Electronics and the operator over the last 10 months. PMV Engineering demonstrated its ability to drive this project, including full flight simulator sessions and flight testing with EASA




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ADS-B Out on Airbus A330-200/-300 series aircraft

ADS-B Out signal is used for surveillance purposes on the ground or onboard other aircraft in order to facilitate airborne traffic. 

ADS-B, standing for “Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast”, is the replacement and augmentation of radar-based aircraft surveillance systems. With ADS-B, the surveillance of aircraft does no longer rely on radar ground stations, but on airborne GPS receivers. Aircraft equipped with ADS-B broadcast their precise position and velocity data, as well as altitude and supportive information automatically, without pilot input, to ATC on ground (ADS-B Out) or to other aircraft (ADS-B In).

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Full Y/C seats installation on B737-8 max delivered in 0 pax configuration

Contracted to develop a 189 Y/C pax on B737-8 MAX, PMV Engineering received the final EASA STC less than 5 months after the first discussions with the lessor.

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ATR72 Cargo - Bulk Freighter Conversion (BFC)

This STC converts ATR72 main cabin into a cargo compartment Class E.

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ADS-B Out for Boeing B747-400(F)

ADS-B Out signal is used for surveillance purposes on the ground or onboard other aircraft in order to facilitate airborne traffic. 

ADS-B, standing for “Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast”, is the replacement and augmentation of radar-based aircraft surveillance systems. With ADS-B, the surveillance of aircraft does no longer rely on radar ground stations, but on airborne GPS receivers. Aircraft equipped with ADS-B broadcast their precise position and velocity data, as well as altitude and supportive information automatically, without pilot input, to ATC on ground (ADS-B Out) or to other aircraft (ADS-B In).

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ADSB Out on Airbus Wide Bodies (A300/A310/A300-600)

ADS-B Out signal is used for surveillance purposes on the ground or onboard other aircraft in order to facilitate airborne traffic. 

ADS-B, standing for “Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast”, is the replacement and augmentation of radar-based aircraft surveillance systems. With ADS-B, the surveillance of aircraft does no longer rely on radar ground stations, but on airborne GPS receivers. Aircraft equipped with ADS-B broadcast their precise position and velocity data, as well as altitude and supportive information automatically, without pilot input, to ATC on ground (ADS-B Out) or to other aircraft (ADS-B In).

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ATR72 Cargo Conversion - Large Cargo Door (LCD)

This STC converts ATR72 main cabin into a cargo compartment Class E and modifies the fuselage structure to include a Large Cargo Door.

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ATR42 Cargo Conversion - Large Cargo Door (LCD)

This STC converts ATR42 main cabin into a cargo compartment Class E and modifies the fuselage structure to include a Large Cargo Door.

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