Installation of Invicta Ignition Mitigation / Flammability Reduction in CWT

Press Release June 2021:  

On July of 2008, the FAA issued a rule making that makes it necessary for Aircraft manufacturers to provide procedures to reduce flammability for all airplanes with heated fuel tanks located all or partially within the Aircraft fuselage.

CFR Title 14, §26.33 requires installation of a CFR Title 14, §25.981 Amendment 25-125 (or later) compliant Flammability Reduction System (FRS), such as an ‘Inerting System’ or ‘Ignition Mitigation System’ on all Transport Category airplanes with Original Manufacturer Certificate of Airworthiness or Export Airworthiness Certificate issued on or after January 1, 1962.

This Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) is an FAA approved  method of compliance (MOC) to the requirements of 25.981 and 121.1117 in the flowing aircraft:  B737 - (300 - 900), B757 - (200), and B767 - (200-300).

It is an alternative to the Boeing Nitrogen Inerting System.

Jetaire is the original developer of a foam technology as a means of compliance to 14 CFR 25.981.  Jetaire’s INVICTA foam ignition mitigation method kits and components, affecting compliance with 14 CFR 25.981, are patented by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the unauthorized re-design, use, and/or reproduction of the same is forbidden. These products are exclusive to Jetaire Aerospace, LLC and its rights in the product are protected by law.  (U.S. Patent No. 9,849,998, 10,633,109 and 10,800,541).

Airplanes equipped with a Flammability Reduction Means (FRM) approved by the FAA as compliant with the Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction (FTFR) requirements of 14 CFR 25.981(b) or 26.33(c)(1) are exempt from the new Airworthiness Directives, as are airplanes equipped with an Ignition Mitigation Means (IMM) approved by the FAA as compliant with the FTFR requirements of 14 CFR 25.981(c) or 26.33(c)(2). INVICTA is compliant with Ignition Mitigation Means (IMM) and Flammability Reduction Means (FRM) regulations and is the more cost effective and available fuel mitigation system when compared to the Boeing solutions.  Jetaire certifies that INVICTA is compliant with the Airworthiness Directives and they hold the Supplemental Type Certificates as follows:  

A/C   -  FAA STC  -  AD

B737  -  ST03450NY  -  2020-18-13 

B757  -  ST04415AT  -  2016-07-07

B767  -  ST04405AT  -  2020-18-16 

B777 -  In Progress  -  2020-18-12 

**Jetaire Group is currently in the process of receiving STCs for the B777 and A330 model aircraft.

Jetaire Group specializes in STC-certified and FAA-approved advanced interface systems, and they recently gained their European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification and Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil (AFAC) certification for their INVICTA system for the B737 from the Mexican Aviation Airworthiness Authority.  They have also received certification from the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil (ANAC) for the B737 (300-800) series aircraft. 

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FAR 25.981 Compliance Solution for B777

Jetaire is nearing completion of the work for the Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) of its Invicta™ Reticulated Foam Ignition Mitigation system for the Boeing 777.

Jetaire’s solution is available for short term delivery.

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Patented Solution-Invicta™ Reticulated Foam Technology System

Jetaire is the original developer of the Invicta reticulated foam technology and has the only patented foam-based solution as a means of compliance with the requirements of FAR 25.981. (U.S. Patent No. 9,849,998).

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Limitations: None..
Conditions: Prior to installation of this modification it must be determined thatthe interrelationship between this modification and any other previouslyinstalled modification and/ or repair will introduce no adverse effectupon the airworthiness
of the product.

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