The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Installation of King KAS 297 altitude selector option
Installation of King KAS 297 altitude selector option
Installation of the Honeywell KFD 840 Primary Flight Display System.REQUIRED DATA: AML No. 159-08325-0002, Revision -, dated 12-1-2009. Later FAA approved revisions to the above listed data are incorporated without further revision to this Supplemental Type Certificate.
Installation of the Bendix/King KI 825 Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI).
Installation of Bendix/King KMD 550/850 Multi-Function Display System with Optional Traffic, Terrain and Weather Sensors. This STC also is approved for some single-engine aircraft. See SA01105WI-D (2 of 2).
Installation of Mitchell Automatic Flight System Model AK447 or AK447FD consisting of Century IV autopilot or Century IV Flight Director autopilot with Command/Automatic electronic pitch trim.
Installation of Mitchell Automatic Flight System Model AK451 consisting of Century III Autopilot with optional command/automatic Electronic Pitch Trim, radio coupler and glide slope coupler.
Installation of Mitchell automatic flight system Model YK428 consisting of yaw damper system
Installation of Vortex Generators on the wings and vertical tail