The use of Hand-held fire extinguishers containing Halon in Aircraft will become prohibited end of 2025 and you will need to replace all them.
Installation of fire extinguishing system in cabin and/or fire extinguishant system in engine compartments.
Manufacture of modified Lightning Wingtips.
Installation of Whelen Anti-Collision Strobe Light Systems, Part Number 01-0770006-( ), 01-0770028-( ), 01-0770029-( ), 01-0770062-( ), 01-0770900-( ), and 01-0771055-( ), as replacement for originally installed anti-collision lights.
Revise wing contours, leading edge and redesign landing light deflector plates.
Replacement of right front seat with stretcher.
Installation of Airwolf remote mounted engine oil filter kit AFC-K008 on single and multi engine fixed wing light aircraft incorporating Teledyne Continental reciprocating engines of 450 horsepower or less.
Installation of Concorde Battery Corporation (VRSLA) Valve regulated sealed lead acid battery.
Installation of FIQUENCH fire extinguishing system in cabin and/or fire extinghishant system in engine compartments.
Cabin door removed and wind deflector installed.