Installation of the Honeywell KFD 840 Primary Flight Display System.REQUIRED DATA: AML No. 159-08325-0002, Revision -, dated 12-1-2009. Later FAA approved revisions to the above listed data are incorporated without further revision to this Supplemental Type Certificate.
Installation of the KMD 250 Multi-Function Display System with Optional Internal VFR GPS and Optional Traffic and Weather Sensors.
Installation of Bendix/King KMD 550/850 Multi-Functional Display System with optional traffic, terrain and weather sensors. This STC applies to both single-engine and small multi-engine aircraft (see 1 of 2 for small twin-engine).
Mitchell automatic flight system AK506 consisting of Piper Autocontrol IIIB autopilot with optional radio coupler.
Installation of a GDC 31 Roll Steering Converter
Installation of Garmin AT Model GDL90 UAT Data Link System, in accordance with Garmin AT, Inc., GDL 90 UAT Master Data List, P/N 560-0278-01, Revision A, dated November 12, 2004, or later FAA approved revision.
Installation of Garmin G600 Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Multifunction Display (MFD) System
Installation of Garmin GDL 88 ADS-B UAT Transceiver System
Installation of the UPS Aviation Technologies Inc. Apollo MX20 multi-function display, P/N 430-0270-500.