Installation of Emergency Vision Assurance System (EVASTM) / EASA Validation of FAA approved Supplemental Type Certificate ST00892LA.1. Boeing 737-600, -700, -700C, -800 and -9002. Airbus 330-201, -202, -203, -223, 243; Airbus 330-301, -321, 322, -323, -341, -342, -343 models EASA.IM.A.S.02216 FAA STC ST00892LA
Installation of Emergency Vision Assurance System (EVASTM) / EASA Validation of FAA approved Supplemental Type Certificate ST00892LA.1. Boeing 737-600, -700, -700C, -800 and -9002. Airbus 330-201, -202, -203, -223, 243; Airbus 330-301, -321, 322, -323, -341, -342, -343 models
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Active
STC Date: 23/07/07
Responsible Office:
AIRBUS A330-343
AIRBUS A330-342
AIRBUS A330-341
AIRBUS A330-323
AIRBUS A330-322
AIRBUS A330-321
AIRBUS A330-301
AIRBUS A330-243
AIRBUS A330-223
AIRBUS A330-203
AIRBUS A330-202
AIRBUS A330-201