Installation of an Astronics Luminescent System Inc. HelicopterEmergency Egress Lighting System in accordance with Vector AerospaceHelicopter Services USA Inc. Master Drawing List, HP 332-33-50-102Revision B, dated April 2013.This STC is the validation of FAA STC SR 2398 AK.(Date amended August 22,2... FAA STC SR02398AK
Installation of an Astronics Luminescent System Inc. HelicopterEmergency Egress Lighting System in accordance with Vector AerospaceHelicopter Services USA Inc. Master Drawing List, HP 332-33-50-102Revision B, dated April 2013.This STC is the validation of FAA STC SR 2398 AK.(Date amended August 22,2...
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Active
STC Date: 25/11/13
Responsible Office:
AS 332 C, L, L1