Modifies the aircraft to change the material used for the construction of the floor panels in the forward and aft cargo compartments to MC Gill product Gillfab 4321B. The installation is in accordance with DAS-100219-NM United Air Lines Master Document List No.00937, Revision B, dated July 14, 2006, or later FAA approved revisions.
Modifies the aircraft to change the material used for the construction of the floor panels in the forward and aft cargo compartments to MC Gill product Gillfab 4321B. The installation is in accordance with DAS-100219-NM United Air Lines Master Document List No.00937, Revision B, dated July 14, 2006, or later FAA approved revisions.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Reissued
STC Date: 30/11/11
Responsible Office: Ft. Worth Special Certification Office (ASW-190), Tel: (817) 222-5190