: Install fireproof blankets on the engine fan-reverser intermediate seal core area replacing the fireproof insulating coating (MA255) in accordance with United Air Lines, DAS-1-WE, Approved Drawing List No. 5994 dated August 30, 1994, or later FAA approved revisions.
: Install fireproof blankets on the engine fan-reverser intermediate seal core area replacing the fireproof insulating coating (MA255) in accordance with United Air Lines, DAS-1-WE, Approved Drawing List No. 5994 dated August 30, 1994, or later FAA approved revisions.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Reissued
STC Date: 30/11/11
Responsible Office: Ft. Worth Special Certification Office (ASW-190), Tel: (817) 222-5190
Boeing Company, The