
STC Number
Contact Details


Long nose single place cabin, without doors, included in a modified center frame, modified controls to accommodate new cabin/center frame, modified hydraulic system, oil system, and instrument panel, modified tail boom and delete synchronized elevator to add a modified fuel system

Bell Helicopters 47 Series

Product Description

Long nose single place cabin, without doors, included in a modified center frame, modified controls to accommodate new cabin/center frame, modified hydraulic system, oil system, and instrument panel, modified tail boom and delete synchronized elevator to add a modified fuel system

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Reissued
STC Date: 20/10/11
Responsible Office: Chicago Aircraft Certification Office (ACE-115C), Tel: (847) 294-7358

Scotts-Bell 47 Inc

  • 47G-5
  • 47G-5A