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Introduction of replacement ELT Antenna onto repaired fuselage crownskin 

ELTs are emergency transmitters that are carried aboard most general aviation aircraft. In the event of an aircraft accident, these devices are designed to transmit a distress signal on 121.5 and 243.0 MHz frequencies, and for newer ELTs, on 406 MHz. ELTs are required to be installed in almost all U.S.-registered civil aircraft, including general aviation aircraft, as a result of a congressional mandate. 

Conditions: Prior to installation of this design change it must be determined that the interrelationship between this design change and any other previously installed design change and/ or repair will change the airwothiness of this aircraft.

Your needs

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standard is the 406 MHz ELT, which is mandatory in many countries for general and commercial aviation. Pilots should check the ELT requirement for any country they will be flying to or over.

Your benefits

-       406 MHz ELT which has a satellite-based accuracy of a 1-3 NM radius. 

-       406MHz ELT utilizes a digital signal allowing additional information to be encoded to the signal, such as a GPS position. The addition of the GPS position data to the ELT from the aircraft GPS antenna improves the accuracy to fewer than 100 yard radius or a 339 square yards of search area. 

-      SAR crews to proceed directly to the site of the rescue very quickly, cutting the average rescue time for the newer 406 MHz ELTs (compared to the older 121.5 MHz ELTs) to only 4.5 hours average

Boeing 737 Classic

Product Description

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level
STC Date: 5/7/13
Responsible Office:


Your benefits

-       406 MHz ELT which has a satellite-based accuracy of a 1-3 NM radius. 

-       406MHz ELT utilizes a digital signal allowing additional information to be encoded to the signal, such as a GPS position. The addition of the GPS position data to the ELT from the aircraft GPS antenna improves the accuracy to fewer than 100 yard radius or a 339 square yards of search area. 

-      SAR crews to proceed directly to the site of the rescue very quickly, cutting the average rescue time for the newer 406 MHz ELTs (compared to the older 121.5 MHz ELTs) to only 4.5 hours average