
STC Number
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A design change, introducing an AFIRS 228 (Automated Flight Information Reporting

System) into the ATR 42-500‘600 Version’ and ATR 72-212A aircraft.


AFIRS is an Automated Flight Information Reporting System. It is non-essential avionics

system that automatically monitors and records aircraft operational and performance

parameters, compiles and interprets the data and sends resulting summary information via satellite (SATCOM) to a data center for processing, it is to be used by the aircraft operator only.

Your needs

The AFIRS 228 system is interfaced with the following equipment:


GPS receiver

 •Mode S Transponder.

 TCAS Computer.

 •Flight Data Recorder (FDR) or Flight Data Acquisition Unit (FDAU).

 •Various discretes e.g. park brake, landing gear position, entrance/cargo door position


Fuel Flow

Your benefits

-       Increased safety with TCAS computer (traffic collision avoidance system) coherence

-       More accurate monitoring of your aircraft’s fuel consumption

-       Ability to track your aircraft easier with GPS receiver coherence (safety improvement)

ATR 42
ATR 72

Product Description

Introduction of AFIRS 228.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: REV. 1
STC Date: 11/04/16
Responsible Office:

Your benefits

-       Increased safety with TCAS computer (traffic collision avoidance system) coherence

-       More accurate monitoring of your aircraft’s fuel consumption

-       Ability to track your aircraft easier with GPS receiver coherence (safety improvement)