EASA Validation of FAA STC ST01991CHInstallation of an L3 Communications (Fairchild) Model F1000 Flight DataRecorder (FDR) System in accordance with Garrett Aviation ServicesDrawing List, Doc. Number 1002382 Revision H, dated 04th June 2004 orlater (...) Certification Basis The Certification Basis for the original product remains applicable tothis certificate/ approvalThe certificated noise and/ or emissions levels of the original productare unchanged and remain applicable to this certificate/ approval Limitations -Garrett Aviation Services Drawing List, Doc. Number 1002382 Revision H,dated 04th June 2004-Aeroplane Flight Manual Supplement, Garrett Aviation Services Doc. No.1002752, Revision A, originally approved 03rd June 2004-Airworthiness Limitations Garr (...) Conditions None
L-3 Aviation Recorders is the world's largest manufacturer of crash-protected recorders, or so-called "black boxes", for both aviation and maritime applications. Its products are required for all commercial air transport, regional airlines and most business aircraft and include Flight Data and Cockpit Voice Recorders and Flight Data Acquisition Units.
EASA Validation of FAA STC
ST01991CHInstallation of an L3
Communications (Fairchild) Model F1000
Flight DataRecorder (FDR) System in
accordance with Garrett Aviation
ServicesDrawing List, Doc. Number 1002382
Revision H, dated 04th June 2004 orlater (...)
Certification Basis
The Certification Basis for the original product
remains applicable tothis certificate/
approvalThe certificated noise and/ or
emissions levels of the original productare
unchanged and remain applicable to this
certificate/ approval
-Garrett Aviation Services Drawing List, Doc.
Number 1002382 Revision H,dated 04th June
2004-Aeroplane Flight Manual Supplement,
Garrett Aviation Services Doc. No.1002752,
Revision A, originally approved 03rd June
2004-Airworthiness Limitations Garr (...)
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level:
STC Date: 07/12/09
Responsible Office: EASA
L-3 Aviation Recorders is the world's largest manufacturer of crash-protected recorders, or so-called "black boxes", for both aviation and maritime applications. Its products are required for all commercial air transport, regional airlines and most business aircraft and include Flight Data and Cockpit Voice Recorders and Flight Data Acquisition Units.