Installation of an airborne high-pressure spray system (Simplex Model510) capable of cleaning debris from the insulators on electrical powertransmission towers. The system consists mainly of an external watertank, a power pack and a turretwith spray boom. FAA STC SR0227SE
Installation of an airborne high-pressure spray system (Simplex Model510) capable of cleaning debris from the insulators on electrical powertransmission towers. The system consists mainly of an external watertank, a power pack and a turretwith spray boom.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 14/02/13
Responsible Office:
AS 355 N, AS 355 NP
AS 355 F1, AS 355 F2,
AS 355 E, AS 355 F,
AS 350 B3,
AS 350 B1, AS 350 B2,