
STC Number
Contact Details


Installation of a Max-Viz EVS 1500 vision enhancement systemInstallation of EVS 1500 system for Protoplane change project PP-015 asdefined in PP-015-MDL-01Rev.1: Possibility to add an external display when the helicopter is notfitted with a Thales system - replacement on the Vivisun pushbutton bysta...

Airbus Helicopters EC 135, H135

Product Description

Installation of a Max-Viz EVS 1500 vision enhancement systemInstallation of EVS 1500 system for Protoplane change project PP-015 asdefined in PP-015-MDL-01Rev.1: Possibility to add an external display when the helicopter is notfitted with a Thales system - replacement on the Vivisun pushbutton bysta...

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level REV. 3
STC Date: 23/07/18
Responsible Office:

EC635 T3
EC635 T1, EC635 T2+
EC635 P2+, EC635 P3
EC135 T2+, EC135 T3
EC135 T1, EC135 T2
EC135 P2+, EC135 P3
EC135 P1, EC135 P2