Installation of DTSV2 Data Transmission systemNote: Rev. 4 of this STC covers DTSV2 system upgrade due to componentsobsolescence, software update, small hardware changes and revision ofSTC Data List SDL-DTSV2-AS350.
Installation of DTSV2 Data Transmission systemNote: Rev. 4 of this STC covers DTSV2 system upgrade due to componentsobsolescence, software update, small hardware changes and revision ofSTC Data List SDL-DTSV2-AS350.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 4
STC Date: 29/09/14
Responsible Office:
AS350 B, AS350 B1, AS350 B2,
AS350 B3, AS350 BA, AS350 BB.