Cobham Aviator 700D SATCOM Upgrade Certification Basis The Certification Basis (CB) for the original product remains applicableto this certificate/ approval.The requirements for environmental protection and the associatedcertified noise and/ or emissions levels of the original product areunchanged and remain applicable to this certificate/ approval. Limitations FAA STC No. ST03229CH-D dated 18 June 2013.Jet Aviation St.Louis, Inc Master Data List 35-354G001 Rev A, dated 18June 2013.or later revisions of the above listed documents approved by EASA inaccordance with EASA ED Decision 2004/04/CF (orsubsequent (...) Conditions Prior to installation of this design change it must be determined thatthe interrelationship between this design change and any otherpreviously installed design change and/ or repair will introduce noadverse effect upon the airworthiness ofthe produc (...)
Cobham Aviator 700D SATCOM Upgrade
Certification Basis
The Certification Basis (CB) for the original
product remains applicableto this certificate/
approval.The requirements for environmental
protection and the associatedcertified noise
and/ or emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain applicable
to this certificate/ approval.
FAA STC No. ST03229CH-D dated 18 June
2013.Jet Aviation St.Louis, Inc Master Data
List 35-354G001 Rev A, dated 18June
2013.or later revisions of the above listed
documents approved by EASA inaccordance
with EASA ED Decision 2004/04/CF
(orsubsequent (...)
Prior to installation of this design change it
must be determined thatthe interrelationship
between this design change and any
otherpreviously installed design change and/
or repair will introduce noadverse effect upon
the airworthiness ofthe produc (...)
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level:
STC Date: 10/10/13
Responsible Office: EASA