B757 VIP lavatory installation Modification No. B752-24527-07 InitialRelease.The modification consists in replacing thewardrobe with a new VIPlavatory between Door 1 and Fuselage Station 450, in accordance withJCB Aero Master Drawing List reference: B752-24527-07-MDL-01 Revision A.
B757 VIP lavatory installation Modification No. B752-24527-07 InitialRelease.The modification consists in replacing thewardrobe with a new VIPlavatory between Door 1 and Fuselage Station 450, in accordance withJCB Aero Master Drawing List reference: B752-24527-07-MDL-01 Revision A.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Active
STC Date: 22/03/16
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