2501-1 and 2501-2 non-reclining Litter Installations in accordance with Helifab, Inc., Master Drawing and Document List HF-206-DL-100, Revision A, dated July 13, 2005, or later FAA approved revision
2501-1 and 2501-2 non-reclining Litter Installations in accordance with Helifab, Inc., Master Drawing and Document List HF-206-DL-100, Revision A, dated July 13, 2005, or later FAA approved revision
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Amended
STC Date: 24/02/12
Responsible Office: Ft. Worth Rotorcraft Certification Office (ASW-170), Tel: (817) 222-5170
Bell Helicopter Textron (Canada)