Several authorities have or will mandate the use of Solid-State Recorders and Underwater Locator Beacons with increased capacity.
It is expected that by 2019 all flight recorders are of the solid state type with a minimum of 120 min recording time and in 2018 all flight recorder mounted underwater locator beacons must be of the 90 day duration type. Besides new requirements, the availability of Solid-State Recorders creates new possibilities for avoiding day-to-day concerns about the performance and reliability of the data recording system. Post ED112 recorders need to have 20 or 25 hrs of recording.
Technical dispatch reliability is essential for your continued competitive operation. Therefore, Fokker Services introduces a new Solid-State Flight Data Recorder (FDR), Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) in your fleet. This new Solid-State Recorder that replaces the traditional tape recorder improves your system reliability and decreases your maintenance costs.
Further the Recorder Independent Power Supply (RIPS) can be offered as add-on or integrated units.
Besides compliance with the new rules the availability of these state-of-the-art Solid-State Recorders creates new possibilities for avoiding day-to-day concerns about the performance and reliability of the data recording system. The recorder is equipped with on-aircraft read-out features and with the latest memory technology and improved crash survivability.
The tapes for the traditional tape recorders are difficult to obtain. (The tapes will no longer be manufactured) The introduction of the Solid-State Recorders overcomes this issue and provides you an improved and a more reliable system.
The installation of the Solid-State Recorder on your aircraft fleet will improve your Technical Dispatch Reliability (TDR). This results in a direct improvement on your Direct Operational Costs (DOC) and therefore on your Direct Maintenance Costs (DMC).
The benefits of the innovative Solid-State Recorders, when compared with the traditional tape-version recorders are as follows:
The offered Solid-State Recorders are applicable to the following aircraft types: Fokker 50, Fokker 60, Fokker 70, and Fokker 100. The solution that Fokker Services offers is also available for other aircraft types (such as Dash 8, ATR, Airbus and Boeing) on request.
The Solid-State Recorder is a lightweight design with rapid data retrieval and analysis without removing the recorder from the aircraft by means of computer based download equipment. The new flight data recorder meets or exceeds all regulatory standards and is available with 64, 128 or more words per second depending on the configuration of the flight data recorder in your fleet. The aircraft modification package will be available based on an EASA approved Fokker Services modification bulletin. This includes the installation procedure and modification kit. Fokker Services offers this modification as follows:
EASA approved under DOA 21J.059.
Type Certificates
EASA.A.037 (Fokker70/100), EASA.A.036 (Fokker50/60)
The Solid-State Recorders will not affect the existing wiring of the aircraft. In fact, the installation is based upon the plug and play principle. The manpower needed for removal/installation remains the same.
System Reliability
MTBF >50,000 operating hours
115 VAC, 400Hz or 28 VDC
Power Consumption
9-10W max in DC, 10-12W max in AC
Bulk Erase
Fail-safe, double electric interlock. Total memory erasure completed in 5 seconds.
The installation of the Solid-State Recorder on your aircraft fleet will improve your Technical Dispatch Reliability (TDR). This results in a direct improvement on your Direct Operational Costs (DOC) and therefore on your Direct Maintenance Costs (DMC).
The benefits of the innovative Solid-State Recorders, when compared with the traditional tape-version recorders are as follows:
The offered Solid-State Recorders are applicable to the following aircraft types: Fokker 50, Fokker 60, Fokker 70, and Fokker 100. The solution that Fokker Services offers is also available for other aircraft types (such as Dash 8, ATR, Airbus and Boeing) on request.