The FIELD AVIATION EGPWS STC is a fully integrated Honeywell MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System installation. It was specifically designed to replace the existing MK II GPWS and provide commonality with factory installations on later production DHC-8 aircraft.
Please click on "Front sheet" link for a copy of our brochure.
Upgrading legacy EGPWS systems with modern systems to enhance operational safety.
Helps prevent accidents caused by Controlled Flight into Terrain.
Exceeds requirement for a Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) rule and TSO C151.
Database updates available from Honeywell at no charge.
The existing MK II GPWS system components are removed or deactivated. Existing wiring is re-terminated and new wiring is added. A new mounting tray is installed in the previous MK II location and a GPS antenna is installed on the upper fuselage. Annunciator sets are installed on the pilot’s and copilot’s flight panels. A temperature probe is installed on the lower fuselage on Series 100 aircraft only.
No additional cockpit displays are required as terrain data is displayed on the Primus 800 or RDS-86 radar PPI (for non-EFIS aircraft), or on the radar display or EHSI (for EFIS aircraft). Steep Approach operations are also supported.
For display on the EFIS, the EFIS symbol generator and EFIS display controller must be upgraded which can be accomplished via Honeywell Service Bulletins. A Display Switching Unit (DSU) is installed on non-EFIS aircraft equipped with the Primus 800 radar.
With the kit packaging, the installation can be performed by operators during scheduled maintenance, or as a standalone modification. Installations can also be “provisions-only”.
Helps prevent accidents caused by Controlled Flight into Terrain.
Exceeds requirement for a Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) rule and TSO C151.
Database updates available from Honeywell at no charge.