
STC Number
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Operation with the following cabin door configuration: LH pilot doorclosed, LH sliding door open and locked, RH doors/panel removedThis STC is the validation of TCCA STC SH10-20 (Issue date April 22,2010) TCCA SH10-20

Airbus Helicopters EC 130 B4|T2, H130

Product Description

Operation with the following cabin door configuration: LH pilot doorclosed, LH sliding door open and locked, RH doors/panel removedThis STC is the validation of TCCA STC SH10-20 (Issue date April 22,2010)

TCCA SH10-20

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 12/07/13
Responsible Office:
