
STC Number
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ST00875WI: Installation of Universal TAWS with optional Universal MFD-640 and Allied Signal MKIVV EGPWS with windshear

Certification Basis Limitations Master Data List MDL 2011-571DL Rev. 5 dtd. 2.Jan07

--AFM supplement(AFMS) / Instructions for Continued Airworthiness(ICAW) as per MDL 2011-571DL:

---AFMS FS2011-571, Rev. 1, dtd. 12.Oct 2006 or later approved revision OR

---AFMS FS2011-454, Rev. 1, dtd. (...)

Conditions Certification basis iaw CRI A1 IM.A.S.01709

Your needs


Your benefits

EGPWS uses aircraft inputs such as position, altitude, airspeed and glideslope, along with an internal terrain / obstacle / runway database, to predict potential conflicts between the aircraft's flight path and terrain or an obstacle.

Dassault Falcon 10, 100

Product Description

ST00875WI: Installation of Universal TAWS
with optionalUniversal MFD-640 and Allied
Signal MKIVV EGPWSwith windshear

Certification Basis

Master Data List MDL 2011-571DL Rev. 5
dtd. 2.Jan07--AFM supplement(AFMS) /
Instructions for
ContinuedAirworthiness(ICAW) as per MDL
2011-571DL:---AFMS FS2011-571, Rev. 1,
dtd. 12.Oct 2006 orlater approved revision
OR---AFMS FS2011-454, Rev. 1, dtd. (...)

Certification basis iaw CRI A1 IM.A.S.01709

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level:
STC Date: 13/02/07
Responsible Office: EASA


Your benefits

EGPWS uses aircraft inputs such as position, altitude, airspeed and glideslope, along with an internal terrain / obstacle / runway database, to predict potential conflicts between the aircraft's flight path and terrain or an obstacle.