
STC Number
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GSMConnex is solution that provides GSM services to aircraft passengersand crew. It consists of hardware and software parts for both theaircraft and the ground, with the airborne GSM network being connectedto ground network via satellite.
Limitations: Airplane Flight Manual Supplement 01383- EAS-A-AFM-01, Issue C, dated29th May 2013.Master Drawing List 01383-EAS-A- MDL, Issue D, dated 29th May 2013.Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, 01383-EAS-A-ICA-01 Issue C, dated 30th May 2013.Compliance Ch (...)
Conditions: This approval is limited to the aircraft MSN 605 (A330-202)configured according to the ICA document 01383-EAS-A-ICA-01 Issue C. As is stated in this document the aircraft must be equipped only with those elements proved to be compatible with the GSMConn (...)

Airbus A330

Product Description

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level
STC Date: 6/6/13
Responsible Office:
