
STC Number
Contact Details


Installation of the AlliedSignal CAS 67A TCAS II System Certification Basis Limitations Duncan Aviation, Inc., Document List No 10047000, Revision A, dated May 20 1996Duncan Aviaiton, Inc., Document List No 40160000, FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement, dated May 31, 1996 Revision A, dated May 20, 1996orDocument No40165900, (...) Conditions This STC is approved only for the product configuration as defined in the approved design data referred to in the paragraph Description". Compatibility with other aircraft/engineconfigurations shall be determined by the installer.

Textron Cessna Citation III, VI, VII, 650

Product Description

Installation of the AlliedSignal CAS 67A TCAS
II System

Certification Basis

Duncan Aviation, Inc., Document List No
10047000, Revision A, dated May 20
1996Duncan Aviaiton, Inc., Document List No
40160000, FAA approved Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement, dated May 31, 1996
Revision A, dated May 20, 1996orDocument
No40165900, (...)

This STC is approved only for the product
configuration as defined in the approved
design data referred to in the paragraph
Description". Compatibility with other
aircraft/engineconfigurations shall be
determined by the installer.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level:
STC Date: 13/03/06
Responsible Office: EASA