Installation of Structural and Electrical provisions for a Panasonic in-flight entertainment (IFE) television (TV) monitor into a B747-400 crew rest compartment in accordance with TAECO GA Aviation Services LLC Master Drawing List MDL251BC0001, Revision P, dated June 26, 2008, or later Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved revision.
Installation of Structural and Electrical provisions for a Panasonic in-flight entertainment (IFE) television (TV) monitor into a B747-400 crew rest compartment in accordance with TAECO GA Aviation Services LLC Master Drawing List MDL251BC0001, Revision P, dated June 26, 2008, or later Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved revision.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Reissued
STC Date: 08/11/11
Responsible Office: Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100S), Tel: (425) 917-6400
Boeing Company, The