Installation of MPC Products Corp. Rotary Variable Transformer (RVT) P/N GA2200A (3-position sensors right side; Rudder pedal-yaw, and control column-pitch and roll,) and p/n GA2202A (2-position sensors left side, column-itch and roll) to replace existing Flight Data Recorder System (FDRS) Potentiometers position sensors.
Installation of MPC Products Corp. Rotary Variable Transformer (RVT) P/N GA2200A (3-position sensors right side; Rudder pedal-yaw, and control column-pitch and roll,) and p/n GA2202A (2-position sensors left side, column-itch and roll) to replace existing Flight Data Recorder System (FDRS) Potentiometers position sensors.
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Issued
STC Date: 24/12/02
Responsible Office: Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office (ACE-115A), Tel: (404) 474-5500
Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.