Installation of EZMount (TM) Arm mechanical mounting assemblies on lowerframe of cockpit sliding window in accordance with Electronic CableSpecialists Master Data List ECS-207476 Rev. A, dated March 4, 2009, orlater FAA approved revisions.Validation of FAA STC ST02708CH
Limitations: AFM Supplement as listed in Appendix A of ECS Master Data ListECS-207476 Rev. A
Conditions: AFM Supplement as listed in Appendix A of Electronic Cable SpecialistsMaster Data List ECS-207476, Rev. A, dated March 4, 2009 or later FAAapproved revision, is required on board the modified aircraftThe equipment for which these provisions are inte (...)
Please contact modification supplier for further details.
STC Status: Revision Level REV. 1
STC Date: 8/12/13
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